Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Thanks E.B. White

Thanks E.B. White

I love this quote by the author of Charlotte's Web, Stuart Little and The Trumpet of the Swan. Thanks for the sweet lessons from these stories.  Lessons that have taught me how every individual is special and unique.  Thanks for showing me the value in persistence and of standing up for your strong beliefs.     
Instead of one little word, I'm going to incorporate this quote into my summer.  
My circle of friends has widened since starting on my journey as a slice of life writer.  I want to expand and continue those friendships as I experience my few months of summer. I'm going to add to E.B White's quote.  Not only a true friend but also collaborator to my thinking this summer. 
I love it that I have a calm direction that helps me move towards becoming a better person, teacher and writer.  I'm going to put the brakes on this summer and stop, think, feel and perceive people and nature surrounding me.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Wow, I love words and I love birds.  

But, I don't like fast, which is why I'm not sure that tweeting is for me.  Last night I had an exhilarating hour of tweeting with the #TWTBlog.  I felt excited to be engaging with so many excellent thinkers and teachers, but I also felt a bit lost in the process.  Where's the question?  Where do I type in my tweet… what happened to my tweet?  Yikes! 

Now I'm finally seeing messages 3 hours later that I missed during that wild and woolly hour.  Was it an hour?  It seemed like only a few minutes had passed.  

I do feel inspired. I feel a sense of community with other people that have the same passion for excelling and helping children excel.  I am smiling. I feel empowered. I have a voice.  

I see where my students would benefit from such a dialogue. Their voices heard, immediate feedback, community and…. FUN!

Perhaps I just need more practice.  "tweet" 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Migration of my mind……

MidMay migration of many species of birds
Buds and bears awakening

My mind migrates to a new season
Are teachers like birds
that get to change for a season?

                           Gather resources
                           watch families grow
                           and generate ideas
                          for a whole new crew in the fall

Springtime at Glacier National Park

Our last day of school is May 27th, since we start in the middle of August.  So my migration mind may be a little ahead of everyone else's!